This is the first post for this blog. It's still under construction really but I thought I might stop trying to sort it out to talk about the wonderful benefits of keeping a sketchbook. It's something I always begin with a new client or group.
I often get folk to make their own in a session and then take a look at whatever sketchbook I have on the go at the time. We try and suss out how best to approach the fresh page, the spanking new book that no-one wants to deface. It's really hard to start but once there are a few pages full of stuff to reflect on it just flows.
Ways to begin are endless. It might be sticking a few cuttings of interest in and making notes about them, making a few sketches of something that you see everyday (I have been through phases of drawing my cup of tea every morning).
Every one keeps a sketchbook for different reasons and uses different ways of recording. I have a book that is mainly full of words, like a diary and I have others that are observational sketches and others with ideas and LISTS!!!! The reasons are endless too. I look back on them for ideas for work, for reassurance that I have made some attempt to break the creative block...
I use them to practice my drawing skills and keep my dreams alive - all sorts of wonderful purposes.
So if you are wishing to begin drawing I would thoroughly suggest you get hold of a sketch book or make one. Deface the first page by sticking something in or writing a wish list or a hand print or a big coffee cup stain and then the rest will follow. Your creative flow will flood into this lovely little treasure of inspiration.
Try it. x